8 Actors from A DIFFERENT WORLD Who Have Died
A Different World is an American sitcom television series that was aired On NBC Network and aired for six seasons with a total of 144amaizing episodes. A Different world was a spin of the cosby show and ran from September 1987 to July 1993. the series was originally created to center the life of Denise Huxtable and the life of students at the Hilman Collage. it was inspired by student’s life at historically black collages and universities. The sitcom, A Different World was always ranked first or second among the African American views during most of its run. More than 20 years has passed but the sitcom remains on of the favorite sitcom among the youth of its time. The television sitcom show, A Different World had many cast members and, in this video, will feature some of the cast members who died in real life Lou Myers, Janet DuBois, Diahann Carol, Tupac Shakur, Heavy D, Thomas Mikal Ford, James Avery, and Ron O’neal.
#ADifferentWorld #ThomasMikalFord #TheCosbyShow