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Bewitched | Tabitha's Newfound Magical Powers | Classic TV Rewind

Published on 08 Nov 2021 / In TV and Sitcoms

Samantha (Elizabeth Montgomery) makes a stunning discovery as her daughter Tabitha shows the first signs of her magical powers. How will she tell Darrin (Dick York)?

From Season 3, Episode 1 'Nobody's Perfect' - Samantha learns about Tabitha's magical powers.

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ABOUT BEWITCHED: United by love, Darrin and Samantha Stephens (Dick York and Elizabeth Montgomery) may look like a classic American couple, but they have a secret that distinguishes them from their suburban neighbors – ad executive Darrin (Dick York) is a mortal, but Samantha (Elizabeth Montgomery) is a beautiful witch.

#Bewitched #TabithaStephens #Magic

Bewitched | Tabitha's Newfound Magical Powers | Classic TV Rewind

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