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Diff'rent Strokes | Arnold and Willis Crash Kimberly's Date | Classic TV Rewind

Published on 08 Nov 2021 / In TV and Sitcoms

Kimberly (Dana Plato) has a date with an older guy and Willis (Todd Bridges) and Arnold (Gary Coleman) want to crash it with any possible means.

From Season 3 Episode 13 "The Older Man" - Tired of looking like a 15 year old, Kimberly turns to Blair for help in looking like an older woman. She's met with immediate success when she accepts a date from a 25-year-old man (who thinks she's at least 20). Arnold and Willis find out about the date and sneak off to the movie theater to try to stop the date before Drummond finds out.

Stream Now on Prime Video: https://www.amazon.com/Diffrent-Strokes-Season-Conrad-Bain/dp/B007RMQ4HW/ref=sr_1_10?dchild=1&keywords=Diff%27Rent+Strokes&qid=1615319018&s=movies-tv&sr=1-10

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ABOUT DIFF'RENT STROKES: Whatchoo talkin' bout Willis? Gary Coleman became a child superstar playing the lovable, mischievous Arnold in this comedy series that brought issues of race and class into American living rooms in the ‘70s and ‘80s. The series begins with Arnold and Willis; two African-American brothers from Harlem going from rags to riches, overnight.

#DiffrentStrokes #KimberlyDrummond #FunnyMoments

Diff'rent Strokes | Arnold and Willis Crash Kimberly's Date | Classic TV Rewind

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