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Kid N' Play (1991) Cartoon ( 2 Episodes)

Published on 08 Feb 2025 / In Anima and Cartoons

Kid 'n Play is an American hip-hop duo from New York City that was popular in the late 1980s and early 1990s. The duo was composed of Christopher Reid ("Kid") (born April 5, 1968) and Christopher Martin ("Play") (born July 10, 1967) working alongside their DJ, Mark "DJ Wiz" Eastmond. Besides their successful musical careers, they are also notable for branching out into acting.
Kid 'n Play even had their own NBC Saturday morning cartoon, Kid 'n Play, for one season from 1990 to 1991. On the show, Kid 'n Play were regressed to teenagers, but their recording careers remained intact, as did their comic personas. The real Kid 'n Play appeared in live-action wraparounds of the cartoons, but voice actors (again including close friend, Martin Lawrence) performed in the animated portions of the show. The show stressed positive role models, teaching kids how to get along and stay out of trouble. However, something must have gone awry in the production process, as all the audio for the show has all of the voices drowned out by the music. A 1992 Marvel Comics comic book based on the cartoon lasted nine issues. --Wkipedia

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