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Episodes of Ren and Stimpy that got BANNED from TV

Published on 02 Nov 2021 / In Anima and Cartoons

Ren and Stimpy is a notoriously controversial show. Compared to the only other two Nicktoons on air at the time of it's premiere, it stuck out like a sore pink thumb. Between the crazy animations, adult humor, and even just the creator himself, the show has had it's fair share of controversy. Today, we take a look at 5 episodes that were banned from being aired on Nickelodeon, or in one instance, the United States in general. This IS NOT a top 5 video. I'm not ranking these in order based on how controversial they are. I'm just showcasing 5 episodes that were noteworthy in my opinion. Let me know in the comments what your favorite episode of Ren and Stimpy is!

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